Animal Jam Classic Wiki
Animal Jam Classic Wiki

The Pet Kitty is a members-only land Pet. It is one of the first four original pets and it was released on June 23, 2011. They can be purchased for 400 Gems through the Choose a Pet menu, which can be accessed by clicking on the adoption icons found around Jamaa (such as those found in Claws 'N Paws) or by creating a new pet through the Change Your Look page.


The Pet Kitty has a large, angular head with a small body, short, stumpy legs and a small nose. Its eyes can be customized as either round, drooping, large, eye-lashed, slanted, or arced. There are also four whiskers and tail combinations to choose from as well as four ear styles. The patterns available to this pet offer a combed hairstyle, a messy hairstyle, a regular widow's peak style, and widow's peak with light spots on the eyebrows.


Action Description
It licks its paw in a sitting formation.
It stands on its hind legs and leans from side to side.
A cat toy on a spring appears and the pet bats a paw at it.
It stands on its hind legs, swaying back and forth with its paws held out.
It rests its head on the ground and animated "Z"s float up from it.
It hops high into the air.


These accessories can be found at the Pet Stop. The rare accessories can only be found in the Pets Only Party and the Play-As-Your-Pet Party.

Rare Accessories

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Items Description
Kittypiratehat Pirate Hat A black tricorne-style hat is added on the pet's head. The hat includes a white skull printed on the front.
Kittybeanie Beanie A small green Beanie is added on the pet's head.
Kittywitchhat Witch Hat A tall brown Witch Hat is added on the pet's head. The hat includes a brown belt and a golden buckle just above the brim.
Kittytiara Tiara A fancy white tiara, with a green gemstone in the center, is added on the pet's head.


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Items Description
Kittyastronauthelmet Space Helmet A giant glass globe is added around the pet's head. The helmet includes an orange neck piece around the base and a small antenna on the top.
Kittytophat Top Hat A black Fancy Top Hat, with a red band above the brim, is added onto the pet's head.
Kittynightcap Night Cap A light-blue, pointed cap, which is decorated with paw prints, is worn on the pet's head.
Kittyspikedhair Spiked Hair A dark-red Spiked Hair wig is added on the pet's head.


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Items Description
Kittyfancyeyes Fancy Eyes The pet's regular eyes are replaced with green eyes that have long eyelashes and blue eye-shadow on the eyelids.
Kittyglasses Glasses The pet's regular eyes are replaced with a pair of glasses that show large white eyes.
Kittyeyepatch Eye-Patch The pet's regular face is replaced with one that has a black eye-patch, eye, mustache, and goatee.
Kittygoggles Goggles The pet's regular eyes are replaced by a pair of shiny bronze goggles that have a thick strap around the head.


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Items Description
Kittybluecollar Blue Collar A blue collar with a golden bell is added around the pet's neck.
Kittybow Red Bow A large red bow is added around the pet's neck.
Kittyascottie Ascot Tie A thin green ascot tie is added around the pet's neck.
Kittypinkcollar Pink Collar A pink collar with a golden bell is added around the pet's neck.


  • If the owner goes into the water, the pet will do a doggy paddle with its front paws.
  • If the owner hops while in water, the pet's paws will still be seen swimming while the pet's body is hopping.


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