Animal Jam Classic Wiki
Animal Jam Classic Wiki
For the rest of the places, see Journey Book.
Journey Book Transparent Spoiler warning!
This article shows where to find every location and fact about the natural environment of Call of the Alphas. You may not want to spoil the experience for yourself.

There are eighteen entries to find here. Unlike other Journey Book pages, this page is divided into three sections and each section rewards a different prize upon completion. The prize for completing the left section of the page is the Alpha Fountain, the middle section is the Alpha Archway, and the right section of the page is the Alpha Stepping Stones.

On the release of Call of the Alphas, there were only 12 entries to find. This changed on October 12, 2017, when the Journey Book page was revamped and two new sections were added. The original 12 items became the middle section and six new entries were added to the left section. Unlike the original 12, none of the 6 new items disappear.


Items Location
Left Section
Graham'sGearsLeftSideCalloftheAlphas Gears
At the top of the volcano next to pits of lava (Still).
SirGilbert'sMedalLeftSideCalloftheAlphas Medal
(Sir Gilbert)
To the top left of the starting area, below snowy mountains (Still).
Peck'sChalkLeftSideCalloftheAlphas Chalk
To the far bottom right of the starting area (Still).
Greely'sLockpicksLeftSideCalloftheAlphas Lockpicks
To the right of the starting area, past the volcano area meeting the desert (Still).
Liza'sKnapsackLeftSideCalloftheAlphas Knapsack
To the right of the starting area, next to some ruins (Still).
Cosmo'sElixirLeftSideCalloftheAlphas Elixir
At the top of the snowy mountains, above the Sir Gilbert Medal (Still).
Middle Section
SirGilbert'sMapMiddleCalloftheAlphas Map
(Sir Gilbert)
In the desert to the bottom left end of it, in an excavation site inside a brown barrel (Moving).
Liza'sCompassMiddleCalloftheAlphas Compass
In the desert at the northern area, to the right with a tumbleweed, the sand is blown away to uncover it (Moving).
Greely'sJournalMiddleCalloftheAlphas Journal
At the top of the volcano area to the left, inside of a glowing hole in the wall (Moving).
Peck'sBrushMiddleCalloftheAlphas Brush
Hangs down in a web above the paint cans near the top of the volcano area to the right (Moving).
Peck'sEarringMiddleCalloftheAlphas Earring


Under the carrots in the Bunny Village to the left of the starting area, the carrots with eventually jump out revealing the earring (Moving).
Graham'sGogglesMiddleCalloftheAlphas Goggles
On the rotating clotheslines in an abandoned village to the far bottom right (Moving).
Cosmo'sHatMiddleCalloftheAlphas Hat
Under a tree north of the starting area, gets knocked away by a boom seed (Moving).
Greely'sCloakMiddleCalloftheAlphas Cloak
To the bottom right in an area covered with phantom goop, getting caught on a tree (Moving).
SirGilbert'sArmorMiddleCalloftheAlphas Armor
(Sir Gilbert)
Inside a blue tent in a camping area, to the bottom right of the starting area, it is next to an abandoned village (Moving).
Graham'sWrenchMiddleCalloftheAlphas Wrench
Spewed out of a pit of lava at the top of the volcano area, with a moving flow of lava at the right side (Moving).
Liza'sCameraMiddleCalloftheAlphas Camera
To the left of the starting area, then go down right to a bridge with several dandelions at the side. The camera will pop out (Moving).
Cosmo'sSeedBagMiddleCalloftheAlphas Seed Bag
To the left of the starting area, at the beginning of the left side of the volcano area (Still).
Right Section


To the left side down to the beach, in a forest above a village (Still).


Next to the slope of the entryway to the beach in a patch of sand (Moving).


In a blue house to the left of the entryway of the beach (Moving).


At the shoreline of the village, the item floats onto the coast and then returns to the sea (Moving).
SirGilbert'sHornMiddleCalloftheAlphas Horn
(Sir Gilbert)
At the bottom left waters on a rock (Still).
Cosmo'sSaplingMiddleCalloftheAlphas Sapling
At the very bottom of the beach near some trees (Still).

Fun Facts[]

Species Description
Left Section
Icon graham gears Gears
Graham, the monkey Alpha, is always working on dozens of new inventions at once, which means there are always lots of gears and spare parts lying around!
Icon gilbert medal Medal
(Sir Gilbert)
Sir Gilbert has been recognized numerous times for his valor and strength, and the tiger Alpha proudly wears this medal to always remind him what he fights for.
Icon peck chalk Chalk
Peck, the bunny Alpha, always carries a few sticks of chalk with her in case she needs to add a splash of temporary color to her surroundings.
Icon greely lockpick Lockpicks
The secretive wolf Alpha rarely divulges what he is up to, so there is no telling what or where Greely has gotten into using these lockpicks.
Icon liza knapsack Knapsack
Liza, the panda Alpha, never ventures out without her knapsack, which she keeps filled with supplies for every situation she might encounter in the wild.
Icon cosmo elixir Elixir
As the koala Alpha, Cosmo is always studying plants and herbs, and what properties they have that can be brewed into elixirs.
Middle Section
Call of the Alphas Map Map
(Sir Gilbert)
They say that knowledge is power, and Sir Gilbert's Map helps the regal tiger Alpha keep track of the dark Phantoms' movements throughout Jamaa.
Call of the Alphas Compass Compass
Jamaa is filled with many long-forgotten lands, and Liza's compass helps the adventurous panda Alpha find her way whenever she explores the unknown.
Call of the Alphas Journal Journal
Filled with the mysterious wolf Alpha's findings, observations, and discoveries, Greely's journal is the ultimate source of knowledge of the shadowy Phantoms.
Call of the Alphas Brush Brush
The creative bunny Alpha is always looking to add beauty to the world, and Peck's paintbrush can help turn even the most mundane objects into works of art.
Call of the Alphas Earring Earring
Peck, the bunny Alpha, loves every type of music, and the bell on her earring jingles out amazing melodies whenever she moves, walks, and dances.
Call of the Alphas Goggles Goggles
Graham, the monkey Alpha, is always creating and inventing, and his goggles help him search his workshop to find the right gizmo, doodad, or thingamajig he needs.
Call of the Alphas Hat Hat
Cosmo, the koala Alpha, spends much of his time in forests and meadows talking with his plant friends, and his hat keeps him cool on even the sunniest of days.
Call of the Alphas Cloak Cloak
Greely, the wolf Alpha, uses his cloak to help him blend into the darkness whenever he needs to observe the dark Phantoms from the shadows.
Call of the Alphas Armor Armor
(Sir Gilbert)
Sir Gilbert, the tiger Alpha, longs for the day when Jamaa will finally be at peace, but until then, he vigilantly wears his armor as protection against the Phantoms.
Call of the Alphas Wrench Wrench
There is always tinkering that needs to be done, and Graham's wrench is one of the trusty tools that are always within arm's reach of the inquisitive monkey Alpha.
Call of the Alphas Camera Camera
Liza, the panda Alpha, is passionate about photography, and she carries her camera with her wherever she goes in hopes of snapping the perfect shot.
Call of the Alphas Bag Bag
Containing seeds from almost every plant imaginable, Cosmo's seed bag is used by the knowledgeable koala Alpha as he replenishes the flora of Jamaa.
Right Section
CalloftheAlphas Lizas Flower Flower
When exploring, the intrepid panda Alpha often puts a flower or two in her braid to help her take in all the beauty and majesty of the world around her.
CalloftheAlphas Pecks Pigments Pigments
One of the gifted bunny Alpha's hobbies is crushing seashells, petals, and other materials into pigment powders that she uses to create beautifully vivid paint colors.
CalloftheAlphas Cosmos Sapling Sapling
The helpful koala Alpha always has a number of saplings nearby and is constantly on the lookout for a new place for his happy tree friends to call home.
CalloftheAlphas Sir Gilberts Horn Horn
(Sir Gilbert)
When his booming roar is not enough, the powerful tiger uses this horn to call out to his allies in the field and to lead the charge against the Phantoms.
CalloftheAlphas Greelys Shard Shard
Because Greely rarely shares information he learns about the Phantoms, it is unknown what plans the enigmatic wolf Alpha has for this strange crystal shard.
CalloftheAlphas Grahams Schematics Schematics
The excitable monkey Alpha usually draws up schematics for his newest contraptions and inventions, but he is often the only one who can make sense of them!


  • When the left side of the Call of the Alphas was first released, Liza's Knapsack was originally a piece of bamboo with a pink sack at the end of it, but the image in the Journey Book was the updated knapsack.

